Saturday, February 20, 2016

Life with the Crazies

I'm often asked how I do it, or why I do it. The answer is simple: I love it. This is my life. The good, the bad, the crazy. As long as I can remember, my joy has been children and animals. I wanted nothing more in life than to be a mommy, and I've been blessed beyond measure.

It's not for everyone. I will be the first to say I don't think every family should have 6 children (or even one for that matter.) Every family has to do what is best for them. You will never hear me pushing anyone to have children. It's not a decision that anyone should make except those who are actually involved in the making of said children!

The question I think I am asked most often is what does my average day look like with 6 children. First off, let me say, I am married to the most amazing man on the face of the earth! He loves to be a dad, just as much as I enjoy being a mom. He gets home and drops his work and takes up the kids, no matter what his day looked like at the office.

So how do I get through a day. I have a lot of help. First off, let me say I DO NOT home school. I realize this is the "norm" for large families, but I am not qualified for that. I was a good student in school, and did great in college, but I don't have a teaching degree. Education is one of the most important things I can give my children while they are under my roof. How can I justify keeping them home with me all the time if I don't feel like I can educate them properly?

So with that said, they do go to school every day. But they also help out when home. They each do chores to help keep this house going, especially when I have little ones that require a little more attention.

Our house is always working. Weather its laundry, dishes, taking care of our animals or taking care of each other. It's a constant effort and everyone is a part of it. In the end, our family is very close and we spend lots of time laughing, even if it's standing side by side washing the dishes from the day. Don't get me wrong, we play hard too. What fun is life with no reward for hard work?

I hope you enjoy this glimpse into our lives, and maybe even grab a tip or two for your own family.

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